Parks and Athletic Fields
Sossamon Construction is familiar with the elements, coordination and details necessary to successfully complete projects involving parks and athletic fields.
We embrace the collaborative nature required of this work. We stress efficiency. We honor the budget and timeline. We make sure that committees are part of the process, from vision to completion. Communication is key to the credibility we have earned in this and other spaces. We have strong relationships with specialty trade contractors. Among our projects: The Tyger River Park located on a 137-acre parcel in Spartanburg, S.C., includes a 12-diamond baseball complex and a tower for concessions, restrooms and space for scoring games. The U.S. Softball Junior Olympic Cup was played here. This project was done for and with the Spartanburg County Parks Department. What we do at Sossamon Construction provides recreation, fellowship and golden memories, especially for children, youth and families. We consider this work part of our legacy.

Upper Palmetto YMCA

Cleveland Park Stream Restoration and Park Renovations

Pearl Street Park and Stream Restoration

Various Parks & Athletic Fields

Gaffney High Strength and Training Facility

Clarks Creek Park

Spartanburg Community College Campus Green

Henry Jolly Park

Clover Park

Comporium Fields

Veterans Park

Crooked Creek Park

CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Hwy 93 Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Tyger River Park

Timken Sports Complex