Downtown Greer Streetscape
Greer, SC
A beautiful brick streetscape for the City of Greer.
This project consisted of replacing infrastructure and utilities in the downtown business district of Greer, all while keeping the businesses open to the public throughout construction. We also removed and replaced sidewalks and curb & gutters on 6 adjacent streets, including resurfacing those streets with asphalt. The main focus of this project was Trade Street, where we removed all sidewalks, curb & gutters and asphalt roadway along the 100, 200 and 300 blocks, and installed brick pavers from building face to building face, decorative trench drains to accommodate the storm water, and eliminated any “step up situations”, meaning everything was the same level and met ADA compliance. Another special feature was the approximate 10,000 square-feet of Silva Cells on this project along Trade Street that we installed. The Silva Cell is a modular suspended pavement system that uses soil to create forest-like conditions in the city, supporting large tree growth and providing powerful on-site stormwater management through absorption, evapotranspiration, and interception, which for the 50 new trees that we planted, it will allow them to grow without the worry of their root growth impacting the sidewalks and concrete.

Upper Palmetto YMCA

Ola Copeland Learning Center